horse isle 2

Get Started 2] Admin attempt to solve glitches or bugs as soon as possible, so do not be alarmed if something is not working. 5] If a Forum Thread is locked or deleted, please do not repost it. 1] Scamming of any kind is strictly against the rules. Interacting with other players via chat, private chat, postal messages, actions, trading, competitive mini-games, and cooperative mini-games. 1] Please do NOT refer to any racial comments at all - there are many different players here of many different ethnicities, and respect is due to them all. Violation Points Dungeon More added regularly. Many are multiplayer also. 2] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. Horse Isle 2 help for quests, mini games and other information. In 2020, following the end of support for Adobe Flash Player in most browsers and its subsequent demise, Horse Isle 1 became the victim of a number of hacks, with the game's data became highly compromised and eventually unplayable,[specify] beginning in June and taking place periodically until October of that year, at which point the game was declared unsustainable and was labelled "end-of-life". 3] There really is no reason to do so, however if you feel the need to start over, your account may be deleted (or permanently locked if payments have been made to it) after giving sufficient proof that you are the account owner. Reward:Total after digging up all of the treasures = approximately $68,000 plus 50 Quest points. } 6] If you choose not to heed these warnings - be aware that if you are hacked then it is your own responsibility, we cannot refund any account values if you have lost them due to password abuse. 4] Being banned means you must stay off the game completely. Then care, train and feed your horses. 2] If you have a controversial topic that you want to discuss, please keep it to Personal Messages, these topics do get out of hand because players share different beliefs. 7] If, after you have had a temporary ban, you receive more violations, you may be given a longer temporary ban, or a permanent ban from the game. The other section is items you can find in stores. 4] That being said, you cannot predict when a specific player will be online, and therefore can never expect them to be online at a certain time. You can repeat process for any other servers you play on. example: Isle - Esroh - Requirement Birch Isle - Aphrodite - $1,000,000 Bud Isle - Apollo - Gramophone Boarding 3] Players may not give/sell an account to any other person, including friends or siblings. Everything from minigames to pictures of every horse breed in the game--we plan on becoming the largest, completely public Horse Isle 2 wiki available. MrsForeCastle in Yellow Isle's Dockhouse tells you the meaning of the hieroglyphs used in the codes on the Obelisks for a meer $25,000. 2] There are NO available cheats on Horse Isle for you to use, please do not voluntarily go looking for these sites, your efforts will be in vain. ); Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! You can find wild horses, although you'll fail to capture one for the first time and it's time cosuming since you don't have a horse. The Lands of Horse Isle: HI2-The Legend of the Esrohs Eternal and LifeCycle Servers Copyright 2012 Horse Isle > -1) { Horse Isle 2 Help Forum. Account Passwords 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. 4] To contact Admin please go to the Horse Isle MAIN page ( and click the "Help" button at the top, then start a Support Issue. HI3 is fully 3D, yet retains the unique charm of the previous games. Once you have a horse, you can train it, take care of it, and compete with other players. (Do not edit/delete this!). Horse Isle 2: Legend of the Esrohs was released in 2010, with a single server supporting previous and migrating players of Horse Isle 1. Hundreds of islands and buildings to explore. As of October 2020, the game remains up and running, but is no longer updated. ( 2] Players cannot ask to become a moderator, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on their own. 1] The definition of harassment: "to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute." 2] Please be careful when considering trading money or items for services rendered, the service might not be performed while the player advertising the service receives and keeps the money or item. Abuse Reports Buy your very own island. 4] If you have another player Experience train your horse, it is highly advised to use the Experience Training Contract. 4] Please do NOT harass or beg a player if they caught the Wild Horse before you did, it belongs to the player who first caught it. Utilizes Flash 10 to play right in your web browser! Everything we add to our wiki will be information we gathered from the game ourselves. : JackFrost, JackFrostOne, JackFrostTwo, etc. The artwork in the first two games is two-dimensional; in Horse Isle 3, the game is three-dimensional, allowing players to create avatars based on real-life appearances. 1] Do NOT share your Horse Isle password! A unique interactable world, all in easily accessible 2.5D vector art. 2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. Unique club system. 7] Once ownership is transferred, the original purchaser of the token has no say in what happens to the club and cannot have ownership back without permission from the current owner. Also realize that those answering the 'question' will not receive any helper points for this. Should you decide to play again with a new account you could get these things back and that would be cheating. 2] The content must comply with all game rules. 5] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report. 1] When an area (island, inside a building, etc) has over 75 people on it, players can call !TOOCROWDED. 1] Opinions and freedom of speech are allowed, although they must be within the rules. 1] The leasing system is set up to make it safe to lease a horse to another player for boarding or training purposes. Awards. Unfair Trades 5] If another player does harass or beg you for it, kindly tell them no, and nicely ask them not to continue asking. No Download! She also tells you that there are 16 Obelisks in total. This means not logging onto the game using a different player's account (which should never be done anyway). It allows for many players to interact while searching for wild horses roaming the lands. 1] Cheating in any way will result in punishment depending on severity. 1] The definition of Slander is: "a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name." This is accessible if you go to their ranch, they do charge a fee, however. Capturing, training, and competing with your horses. Hundreds of unique objects that can be found in the world or handled during quests. 3] This filter is in place in order to protect the chat from any violations, sharing of personal information or obscene content. Winning these events takes a combination of your horse's abilities, and your skill at the particular game. Talk to MrsBraider. Your horse isn't only a decoration or a piece of equipment to ride! Weebly.footer.setupContainer('', '1673987310'); In 2015, the game experienced a number of DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks. At the General Store. Do not respond to the player. DO NOT be upset when they do not have time to help you, and be grateful when they do. Use your magnifying glass near the dresser behind HappySmurl to find the locket. Default Breeding: Same Parents: 100% Parent Offspring Different Parents: 25% mother, 25% father, 50% grade (build based on either parent) Color Selecting Code: Parent Base colors are combined via chart below, to result in 4 possible output base colors. 3] If your opinions happen to be offensive to anyone else, or will result in an argumentative discussion, please do NOT further discuss the topic. Bone Isle Haunted House Key. He will insist his discovery is the best but you will convince him both are important. Too Crowded Where is the Record Press on Vine Isle in HorseIsle 2? Several elements of the original game were retained, including the ability to find and catch wild horses, quests given by NPCs, mining for valuable gems, and puzzles and riddles scattered around the world for players to complete. 3] Once a player starts catching a horse, no one else can try catching it until that player either catches it, or time runs out. Bullying 2] You are 100% responsible for your account. These involve racing, jumping, dressage - all many-player games. #1) Download Flash Projector for Windows here: #2) Download and place anywhere you want to start HI2. Players were able to buy and build ranches on as many different plots of land as they wished, allowing them to build barns and water towers, amongst other features, in different places around the world. 4] Do not include who your significant other is in your profile, whether it be boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse. Competitions became entirely player-created, with the ability to chop wood, build jumps and create obstacles, creating a wider range of competitions for players to take part in. Rump Art 5] An abuse report should ONLY be sent if it is a serious rule break. Horse Isle 2 featured an enlarged version of the original map, introducing many new 'isles' and towns for players to visit. if (document.readystate === 'complete') { [5]. They need to follow the instructions and use their own email address (or a parent's) and their own password. Please simply just Personally Mute the player to avoid conflict or stress to yourself. No two horses look or behave alike. 2] Do NOT share of Email addresses/Instant Messaging accounts. "    " + At the General Store. Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. document.write( 2] Please do NOT spam at any time (posting useless, or similar posts over and over again); Moderators 2] It is not advisable to bring up any topic directly relation to ethnicity, arguments could occur. 1] You may quit playing at anytime. Hundreds of game characters to interact with. Relationships He'll give you a key for his cabin, and you'll have to search for the miniature cactus yourself. 1] Please do NOT get overly personal in your Horse Isle friendships, the game rules and Personal Information rules still stand. 4] If you are being bullied by another player, ask them kindly to stop what they are doing immediately. 4] Please assure that ALL content in your profile is in the English language. 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Contest. Player interaction via chat, trading, auctions, mail, forums and multiplayer minigames. 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Birthday Parties windowHref += '? 9] If you feel you can not comply with the above please do Not role play on this game. Slide rule from somewhere around AngleTon - Talk to ProfMarathon at the City Hall. Search around the bottom of the plant, you'll need to use your rake. Please use that. Hunting for Wild Horses in a Group . Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! At this time your account will auto-delete one year after the last time you signed in, or one year after your subscription expires, whichever is later. Even though a horse won't die because of it, a horse's overall health will suffer the hungrier, thirstier and more tired it becomes. 500 means the horse is in normal mood. : by sending you mail), engage in socials, etc. Under General Tab - Rename the Icon to "HI2-Eternal" or similar. 1] Remember that being nice and polite makes the game enjoyable for everyone. She recommends you go see MrBones on on Golden Isle, in the dead center. 1] Sportsmanship: In the game in general, and especially in arena and other game competitions, we emphasize sportsmanship: fairness in following the rules of the game, respect for opponents, and polite, non-manipulative behavior. These involve racing, jumping, dressage - all many-player games. Services Provided by Players Now, you should be able to doubleclick that icon to save time :). 3] Please do not openly argue any rules. Responsibility for your Account She tells you that the best place is on Ice Cube Isle. 7/17/15. 1] Clubs are started by purchasing a Club Token from the Shop. Threats 2] Please do NOT engage in bullying of ANY kind - this is strictly against the rules. Simply take tack off once you have achieved this and select MOUNT. Pity Ploys in Order to Gain Horse Isle Items 4] If another player asks you to Personally Message another player because they have been muted, kindly tell them you will not interfere, there is a good reason they were personally muted. 3] If the Story violates any rules in any way, please file an Abuse report immediately. 3] Players cannot do the following when they are muted by you: Contact you in any way (e.g. 1] When advertising a horse or item on Horse Isle, please assure you use the ADS Chat or the Classified Ads system and remember that all game rules apply to ads. 4] You may not charge any fees for any contests. Trying to get the highest score or best times of many different tracked games. //-->. SOCIAL allows horse to be ridden when others are present. 20+ unique communities located on different islands and climates. Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. 2] This can include but is not limited to: Scamming, Stealing, Theft, etc. She has a bonsai tree she no longer needs. The foal's color with be determined by the color of their parents, for example, two chestnut parents' offspring will still be a chestnut. The horse is only BORROWED from the player so it'll return after a specified period of time. Here is a list of the Esrohs, what isle they're on, and the requirements to meet them! This is set up so both players do not lose money in the end. This means that we promise we will never steal from other wikis. Try making your requests for help to anyone on the server if it's a general game issue. 6] If it is clear to staff that you have not fulfilled your end of a training agreement, you will be banned. Dating Tack can be purchased in tack shops and ranch stores. Never enter it on another website either! If a player refuses to use this system, it is advisable to not make a deal with them. (siblings, friends, pet cats, dogs, birds, rabbits etc.) 5] Because this is trading on a promise and not advised, advertising is not allowed. 5] ALWAYS assure that all of your passwords are Alphanumerical (Numbers AND Letters) and are longer than 8 characters. 5] If you are told by a Moderator to end a discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. 3] If you make a mistake that results in a flagging or warning, don't feel too bad - we all make mistakes and it is all part of a learning experience! document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { They have the ability to jump you nearby to get you unstuck. Sewing Patterns. 3] Please do not argue if action has been taken for any violation. 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. 2] The definition of a scam: "a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, esp. We want everyone to have a fair chance when it comes to availability and ease of Horse Isle 2 information. If you share your IM account name, we cannot and will not be able to help you if you are harassed or offended. (See also "Trading on a Promise") 3] Violations can be given a number of ways. Bias Horse Isle 2: Legend of the Esrohs was released in 2010, with a single server supporting previous and migrating players of Horse Isle 1. It has NO negative effect on your account. 3] Please avoid controversial and religious topics within your profile. 2] The ONLY websites which are acceptable to discuss are reference sites; A second server was added in 2012, comprising an additional option of breeding horses. Note that a horse's hunger, thirst and energy won't go down if you are off. Offensive } 3] Please do not include another language in any Profiles, including Horse and Player profiles, if another language is included in your profile, you will be notified and told to remove it, or it will be forcibly removed. 2] Players cannot ask to become a moderator, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on their own. or which are general commentary pertaining to one specific player (such as "I love my buddy PlayerName!") Weebly.footer.setupContainer('', '1673987310'); 1] If you ask another player for advice on pricing your horses, do NOT hold that player responsible for any false advice given, this is your responsibility to price accordingly. 5] Remember NOT to expect another Player to reply to you absolutely immediately if you have sent them a Personal Message - sometimes people are away from the computer for a small while, and therefore cannot respond. 1] A game reset is necessary in order to add any changes to Horse Isle, or to fix bugs. Buying and building up your very own ranch, making a piece of Horse Isle your very own! For Example in "Target:" I have: C:\xxxxxxxx\flashplayer_32_sa.exe If you wish to RP then ALL content Must comply with the following: This includes in chat, profiles, descriptions and art. 6] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. Please assure that you read the Help pages before you begin playing Horse Isle. 1] All content must be non-violent. A player can lease a horse for a specified period of time from another player. If the player fails to catch it the first time, he/she must wait until either after the next person fails, or 2 minutes. 1] When an area (island, inside a building, etc) has over 75 people on it, players can call !TOOCROWDED.